August Bank Holiday Sunday 30 August 2020 – what a terrific day organised by Salisbury Live.

Originally planned as a full electric event – a revised “unplugged Garden Party” was put in place after receiving updated advice from Wiltshire Council.
With a strict social distancing, no dancing, no sing along policy it could have been a bit flat and lifeless but instead it was a celebration of local bands, original and covers, with all the tables being sold out with over a week to go. The weather was kind all day, although it did get a bit nippy when the sun went down.

The crowd stayed for the entire day and were entertained by
Ribble (guitar and fiddle – a “none more English” sound);
Tim Madden (singer songwriter + guitar – a little nervous without his full band but carried it off wonderfully);
Robb Blake (also singer songwriter + guitar – but made enough noise that he sounded like he had a band with him);

Lump light (like Lump but lighter – always entertaining. Salisbury songs for Salisbury people);

then the covers kicked off with Trinity who brought the tempo up to set the scene.

And then it was our turn. No on-stage speakers, an electric drum kit and in ear monitors – quite different but we think we got away with it. The crowd got us to play three encores which is always a good sign!

A huge thanks to Salisbury Live for organising a magnificent event, to Salisbury Rugby Club for hosting, to the great audience, and all the bands who played on the day.
A quick mention to BSM Stage Tec. They had something we’ve not seen before – wireless speakers around the venue. Genius idea – doesn’t have to be loud because there’s always a speaker nearby. an innovative way of getting sound to everyone without contravening the new noise rules. Extremely clever idea and the stage look brilliant too!
Thanks to all that came – we really hope it’s not another five months until we see you again.