Saturday 22 December was an exciting day with two gigs to cover!
First up was a last minute gig with the Salisbury Live team as The Zucchinis were sadly not able to do their scheduled slot which meant we got to play in the bandstand for the first time this year.
It was great to see the Christmas Market still in full flow and everyone having a very Christmassy time.
Kudos to Gary Sarum, Brian Mundy and Kelvin O’Brien for running the music at the Christmas Market for the last 3 weeks – very professional and well appreciated!
Next up, a quick hop across town to Qudos Music Bar & Grill.
Once again the Qudos audience were in fine voice and despite, some very naughty sound gremlins (including a microphone cable which stopped working in the 6 minutes between sound check and gig time) an exuberant time was had by all.
Our favourite quote of the night: “As it’s the last Saturday before Christmas would you like to hear a Christmas song?” Qudos replies “NO!!” Righto then, on with the non-Christmas music.
Thanks to Vanessa, Andy, the bar staff and the wonderful audience for another great night at Qudos!
Have a great Christmas and hopefully see you either on Boxing Day at Alderbury Club or back in Qudos for New Years Eve!