January. The Twenties kick off at the wonderful Qudos (although we weren’t to know this was the last time we would play on this little stage) and we are joined by a solid set of diehard folk who quite clearly don’t want the holidays to end. A huge night is had, and we are most definitely ready for the new decade!

At the end of January, we were supposed to be playing with our friends Lump but a certain Mr Holton decided to break his leg instead. Then just as we were getting ready – a certain Mr Batch decided to put his back out instead. So, we decide to launch The Music Den by having a one-night reunion with Mr Craig Butler. A grand time was had by all and the The Music Den was well and truly launched.

February and we played Snowfest in Collingbourbe Ducis but without Simon as his work sent him away – so we did the gig as a 4-piece. Not done that for a while! And a great fun evening it was too.

A brand-new venue for us opens March at the Andover Central Club. For some reason this is a very loud venue and as a result a particularly good time is had by all. The new tunes went down a storm too! Although Paul may have lost the plot at this point.

And then at the end of March – the world changed.
Coronovirus and Covid-19 became terms in everyday use and the first UK lockdown began. Social distancing measures were put in place and gigging for everyone ground to a halt.
April saw Social Distancing become the “new normal” and whilst there were some changes to the lockdown in May – pubs remained closed and we, like everyone else, still could not play or rehearse.
In June, the world started to reopen but still no live music.
In July we were able to visit other people’s houses, so we found a unique way to start remembering how to play and even tried some new songs.

And then in August – a gig!
August Bank Holiday Sunday 30 August – the Salisbury Live Big Bank Holiday Garen Party. A terrific day organised by Salisbury Live. Originally planned as a full electric event – a revised “unplugged Garden Party” was put in place after receiving updated advice from Wiltshire Council. With a strict social distancing, no dancing, no sing along policy it could have been flat but instead it was a celebration of local bands, original and covers, with all tables booked with over a week to go. The weather was kind all day, although it did get a bit chilly when the sun went down.
The crowd stayed for the entire day and were entertained by Ribble (guitar and fiddle – a “none more English” sound), Tim Madden (singer songwriter + guitar – a little nervous without his full band but carried it off wonderfully), Robb Blake (also singer songwriter + guitar – but made enough noise that he sounded like he had a band with him), Lump light (like Lump but lighter – always entertaining. Salisbury songs for Salisbury people), then the covers kicked off with Trinity who brought the tempo up to set the scene.

And then it was our turn. No on-stage speakers, an electric drum kit and in ear monitors – quite different but we think we got away with it. The crowd got us to play three encores which is always a good sign! Thanks to all that came.
That was to be the last gig of 2020…